Easy Solar System Mobile is the perfect science project for kids of all ages to learn about how the planets move around the sun in our solar system. This simple science craft uses our solar system coloring pages as a planet template for kids to color and then transform into their own solar system model. What a fun solar system project for home or in the classroom!

Solar system mobile hanging with all the planets and the sun. Text: solar system mobile using coloring pages - Kids Activities Blog
Make a DIY solar system mobile craft for kids using free coloring pages!

Solar System Project for Kids

I recently bought some space books for kids, and my son immediately started asking tons of questions about space. This solar system project was the perfect solar system activity for kids to help answer his questions!

Related: Flashlight Constellation Activity for Kids

It is always difficult to appreciate the sizes of the planets and the relative distance between all the planets of our solar system. While this scale model of the solar system is not exact or a true scale, it will give kids some relative sizes of the planets while giving them a bigger appreciation for the vast nature of space.

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Supplies for making hanging solar system mobile which includes solar system coloring pages, cardstoc, colored pencils, thread, glue, scissors and a hole punch
To make a hanging solar system project, you’ll need crayons or colored pencils, scissors, white thread, ribbon or string, white cardstock, glue, and a hole punch.

Solar System Project Supplies

How to Make A Solar System Model for Kids

Step 1

Step 1 - Solar System Project - Sun and the planets are cut from the solar system coloring pages to make solar system for kids
Turn these planets and the sun into a solar system mobile for kids.

Print two copies of the solar system coloring pages on white card stock.

Step 2

Using markers, crayons or colored pencils, color the sun and planets.

Step 3

Step 3 - Solar System Project - Glue is applies on the back side of the planet and the thread is put on the glue to cover it with another piece to form a hanging planet mobile
Glue two pieces of each planet together with a piece of thread sandwiched between to make the solar system craft.

Cut around each planet and the sun, leaving a small white border on the outside. For one half of the sun leave about half an inch of white space at the bottom, as pictured above.

Step 4

Step 4 - Solar System Project - All the planets and sun are glued and ready to be hanged on to the cardstock beam to form a planet mobile.
Next it is time to add what will hang the planets.
  1. Apply glue at the back of one copy of each planet.
  2. Place one end of the thread covering the length of the planet and then place the other piece above to secure it.
  3. Repeat the same for all the planets to make the solar system mobile.

For the sun to make it look like the real sun, apply glue to the bottom white space and glue the other half by overlapping. Use a small piece of white cardstock to secure the thread at the back of the sun.

Solar System Model Tip: If you want to make them a little extra sturdy, try laminating them!

Make a Hanging Frame for Your Planet Mobile

At this point, you could hang your planets and sun from the ceiling of your bedroom or classroom or use in another way. If you want to create a mobile for your planets like we did, we need to make a frame!

Step 1

Step 1 - Create a frame for solar system project - A rectangle piece of cardstock with four holes and a 1/2 inch cut in the middle to form a hanging frame for hanging the solar system planets
Make two pieces of cardstock to connect in the middle for a hanging frame to hang the planets.

Cut two pieces of cardstock measuring 7.5 inches by 1 inch.

Step 2

Make a 1/2 inch cut in the center of each piece, at the 3.75-inch mark. Punch 4 holes using a hole punch with an equal distance in both the piece of cardstock.

Step 3

Step 3 - Create a hanging frame for solar system project - Two pieces of cardstock connected in the center to hang the planets through the holes punched
Use this “X” shaped hanging frame with holes to hang the planets.

Connect the two pieces of cardstock in the middle with the 1/2 inch cut facing up for one and 1/2 inch cut facing down for the other. This will form the frame for your solar system project model.

Step 4

Step 4 - create a hanging frame for hanging Solar system project using planets coloring pages
Hang planets around the sun using thread for a simple solar system project.

Attach the sun in the center by wrapping the thread around in the center point of the “X” shaped hanging frame and tying a knot. You can also use a piece of tape for extra security. 

Step 5

Step 5 - With sun in the center and other planets are hanged from the cardstock hanging frame as a solar system hanging mobile
This DIY Solar System mobile project is a fun space craft for kids.
  1. Loop the thread through each hole to attach the planets.
  2. Start by threading the inner planets — Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars — in the holes near the sun.
  3. Then add the outer planets — Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus — in the outer holes of the hanging frame.

Kids can appreciate the different sizes of the planets while placing them in the correct order. Turn off the lights and look up into the night sky…giggle.

How to Hang the Solar System Mobile

To hang the frame, connect two pieces of ribbon that are the same length across the “X” frame. Tie a knot in the outer holes of the frame to secure. Take another piece of the ribbon or string and tie a knot at the end of the string in the center to hang the solar system project.

Yield: 1 model

Solar System Model Project

Easy Solar System Model With Printable Template | Kids Activities Blog

Use our free printable solar system coloring pages to create this solar system mobile or model. Kids can color, cut out and then hang their solar system model at home or in the classroom...or create a mobile. It is easy! Let's do it.

Active Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Difficulty easy
Estimated Cost $0


  • 2 copies of the Solar System coloring pages download printed on white card stock
  • White thread
  • Ribbon or string for hanging
  • Blank white card stock
  • Glue
  • Tape (optional)


  • Colored pencils, crayons, or markers
  • Scissors or preschool training scissors
  • Hole punch


  1. Print two copies of the solar system coloring pages on white card stock.
  2. Color the planets and sun on both pages.
  3. Cut around each planet and sun leaving a small border on the outside. For the sun, leave a tab to allow the two halves to be glued together.
  4. Sandwich the end of the hanging thread in between the two identical planets and glue together. For the sun, glue the 1/2s together using the tab and then use a cardstock piece to glue the hanging thread in place.
  5. (Optional) Hang from the ceiling at this step! Or to make a mobile frame...keep crafting:
  6. Cut two pieces of card stock 7.5 inches by 1 inch.
  7. Make a 1/2 inch cut in the center of each piece.
  8. Punch 4 holes using a hole punch equally spread out through the two pieces.
  9. Connect the pieces with the slit in the middle creating an "X".
  10. Attach the sun to the middle and the planets from the punched holes.
  11. Hang from the outer holes from ribbon that meets in the middle creating a "roof top" arrangement allowing it to hang level.

Solar System Facts For Kids

Impress your kids with your space knowledge by sharing these fun facts & interesting facts to share:

  • MERCURY is the smallest planet in the solar system.
  • VENUS is the hottest planet of the solar system and URANUS is the coldest planet.
  • About 71% of EARTH’s surface is covered by water.
  • MARS is called the red planet. Why? The planet appears red because of the rust in the Martin rocks.
  • JUPITER is the biggest planet of the solar system. As the largest planet, it is the easiest to identify in the planets of our solar system model.
  • SATURN is called “the jewel of the solar system” because of its beautiful rings. Even though other planets have rings, Saturn’s rings can be seen from the eart with a small telescope.
  • NEPTUNE is the most distant planet in the solar system.

Solar System Books & Resources for Kids

Solar System Model Kits for Kids of All Ages

More Space Activities For Kids from Kids Activities Blog

How did your solar system model turn out? Where did you hang it?

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