This is such a sweet video about a scared baby going through the carwash and her big brother comforting her the whole way. This sweet sibling baby car wash video is really going to tug at your heart strings! Things are scary when you’re young, so it’s nice to know you can always count on your siblings, like the big brother in this baby car wash video!

little girl scared by car wash comforted by brother - Kids Activities Blog
He is so patient and calms his upset baby sister while they go through the car wash!

Sweet Video Of Brother Comforting His Sister During A Car Wash

When you’re little, everything is brand new. And with all those brand new things, some of them seem scarier than others. Like the first time you notice your shadow is following you. Can you imagine how scary that must seem to a child? The idea that this thing that you can’t touch or identify is just following you around?

Related: Speaking of cars, did you know leaving a water bottle in your car can be a fire hazard?

Brother Comforts Sister

Well, the little girl in this video is terrified of the car wash she’s about to enter. It looks scary. It’s like a cave that’s attacking the cars inside of it. And it’s loud. So, she’s crying, and begging not to go in. Luckily, she’s got a big brother who knows car washes aren’t really that big a deal and he’s there to help her get over her fears. Literally. At one point sister says she wants to go home, “Back there.” But brother is such a helper he tells her home is through the car wash. And it’s faster. And it’ll be done before she knows it. Seriously, this kid is amazing.

Take a look!

Brother Offers Comfort to Little Girl Scared of Car Wash Video

Big brother reaches over from his car seat to rub her hand and give her words of comfort. It’s so precious and exactly what we want to see as parents. Our kids being kind and empathetic to one another!

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