Let’s learn fun facts about presidential heights! We are sharing facts about presidents’ heights coloring pages so you can have fun coloring as you learn about the physical stature of different American presidents.

Set of printable presidents' heights facts facts coloring pages with crayons and decoration around it. From Kids Activities Blog
Let’s learn some fun facts about presidents’ heights!

If you have a kiddo who likes random fun facts, or simply want extra resources to learn about President’s Day (the third Monday in February), you’re going to love these fun facts presidents’ heights coloring sheets. They include two printable pages filled with facts and cute drawings that kids of all ages will love to color.

Tallest US President & Other Fun Facts About Presidents Heights

Page 1 of printable President's Day facts coloring pages. From Kids Activities Blog
Did you know these fun facts about our former presidents’ heights?
  1. The average height of U.S. presidents is 5 feet 10 inches, which shows that voters prefer slightly taller than the average American male during the presidential election voting.
  2. The first president in American history, George Washington, was 6 feet tall.
  3. The tallest president was Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, at 6 feet 4 inches which were impressive during the civil war as the average height of the soldiers was around 5 feet 6 inches.
  4. Joe Biden is 6 feet tall, while Kamala Harris, vice president during his term, is 5 feet 3 inches.
  5. James Madison, the fourth president, was the shortest president at 5 feet 4 inches.
Page 2 of printable President's Day facts coloring pages. From Kids Activities Blog
Aren’t these facts just so surprising?!
  1. Barack Obama, the only African American president to date, is 6 feet and 2 inches tall.
  2. Each head in Mount Rushmore National Memorial is 60 ft high and depicts George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.
  3. Donald Trump is 6 feet 3 inches, and his wife, First Lady Melania Trump is 5 feet 11 inches.
  4. After Abraham Lincoln, the other 9 tallest presidents are: Lyndon B. Johnson, Thomas Jefferson, Donald Trump, George Washington, Chester A. Arthur, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Andrew Jackson.
  5. After James Madison, the other 9 shorter presidents are Benjamin Harrison, Martin Van Buren, William McKinley, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses S. Grant, Zachary Taylor, James K. Polk, and William Henry Harrison.

Download U.S. Presidents’ Heights Fun Facts Coloring Pages PDF

Presidents’ Heights Facts Coloring Pages

Set of printable presidents' heights facts facts coloring pages with crayons and decoration around it. From Kids Activities Blog
We love fun facts!!

Here are some bonus facts that are so fun to learn too:

  1. The average height in the United States is 5 feet 9 inches for men, and 5 feet 4 inches for women.
  2. The Washington Monument is 555 feet tall.
  3. President’s Day is a national holiday celebrated on the third Monday in February every year.
  4. A theory about U.S. presidential politics holds that the taller of the two major-party candidates always wins or almost always wins.


Take time to read each fact and then color the picture next to the fact. Each picture will correlate with the presidents’ height fact.

You can use crayons, pencils, or even markers if you want to.



What presidents’ heights fact was your favorite? Which one surprised you the most?

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